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Doug Latornell

Doug Latornell

Doug is an engineer who creates and uses software to solve problems in a range of application areas. He contributes to open source projects, is the maintainer of blogofile and has released a few other projects on the unsuspecting world. Doug is also a Software Carpentry bootcamp leader. When he's not cycling, cooking, or peering through a camera lens, he generally works for Nordion in Vancouver helping to make short-lived radioisotopes for medical imaging. At present, however, he is on leave from Nordion working with the Meso-scale Ocean and Atmosphere Dynamics group at the University of British Columbia on the MEOPAR project, and other interesting things.



Bloomcast - Python Facilitating Operational Oceanography

Saturday 5:07 p.m.–5:14 p.m. in Colony Ballroom

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