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Jacob Kaplan-Moss

Jacob Kaplan-Moss
keynote Ohloh profile for jacobian


Jacob is the co-BDFL of Django and Director of Platform Security at Heroku. Jacob helped create Django while working at the Lawrence Journal-World, a family owned newspaper in Lawrence, KS. He lives on a hobby farm outside of Lawrence and spends his weekends playing with power tools and tractors.

Karen Brennan

Karen Brennan
keynote Scratch


Karen Brennan is Assistant Professor of Education at Harvard University in the Graduate School of Education, having completed her PhD at the MIT Media Lab. Her research is primarily concerned with the ways in which learning communities support young people's development as computational creators. More concretely, her work focuses on the Scratch website and Scratch educator community, studying how participation in the Scratch online community and how professional development for educators can support young people as designers of computational media.

Hilary Mason

Hilary Mason


Simply: I make beautiful things with data.

I’m the Chief Scientist at bitly, co-founder of HackNY, creator of dataists, and member of NYCResistor.


I believe technology should give us superpowers.

I’m the Chief Scientist at bitly, where we study attention on the internet in realtime, doing a mix of research, exploration, and engineering.

I co-founded HackNY, a non-profit that helps talented engineering students find their way into the startup community of creative technologists in New York City.

I’m an enthusiastic member of the larger conspiracy to evolve the emerging discipline of data science.

Brett Cannon

Brett Cannon
featuredOhloh profile for Brett CannonGoogle+

Brett is a software engineer at Google Waterloo working on the parsing of email receipts from e-commerce sites (if you have seen the shipment notification card in Google Now, that's his team providing the data).

He has also been a Python core developer for over a decade, and is currently the only active core developer in Canada. His latest significant contribution to Python was importlib, a pure Python re-implementation of import which became the default in Python 3.3.

Brett currently lives in Guelph, ON with his wife, Andrea, and cat who is too cute and smart for her own good (but that doesn't make him a cat person; his wife thinks otherwise).

Alex Gaynor

Alex Gaynor
featuredOhloh profile for Alex Gaynor

Alex is an open source engineer. He works on Topaz, PyPy, CPython, and Django as well as serves on the board of the Python Software Foundation. He works as an engineer at Rackspace, and lives in San Francisco.

Lynn Root

Lynn Root

Lynn Root is a software engineer for Red Hat on the freeIPA.org team, known for breaking VMs and being loud about it. She is the founder & leader of PyLadies San Francisco, board member of the Python Software Foundation, and a missionary for the PyLadies word. Lastly, she has an unhealthy obsession for coffee, twitter, and socializing.

Chris Neugebauer

Chris Neugebauer

Christopher is a programmer from Hobart, in the Australian state of Tasmania. He currently works as an Android developer at AsdeqLabs, which means his day job involves more Java than he'd like. His main interest in Python has become community development, he is an immediate past convenor of PyCon Australia 2012 and 2013, and is a newly-minted member of the Python Software Foundation.

Christopher sees PyCon Canada as a wonderful opportunity to return to attending Python conferences without the stress of organising one. In his newly-found spare time, he enjoys presenting on Mobile development at Open Source conferences, and presenting on Open Source development at Mobile conferences.

Jessica Kerr

Jessica Kerr

Jessica Kerr is known in her hometown of St. Louis as "that one girl, at the user groups, who gets excited." Online, she is known as Jessitron, as she blogs and tweets her excitement to the world. Jessitron writes code in Scala, Ruby, and whatever else looks interesting. She is fascinated by functional programming, git, Software Carpentry, her two children, and other paths into the future.

Brandon Rhodes

Brandon Rhodes
featured Ohloh profile for brandon_craig_rhodes

Brandon is thrilled to be returning for the second PyCon Canada, where he gave a talk on beauty in Python last year. He started using Python in 1997 or 1998 (the exact year has been lost to history) and for 15 years has maintained the PyEphem library for amateur astronomers. He trains new Python programmers professionally, writes Python for projects like the New England Wildflower Society's new Go Botany web site, and tries to share everything he learns with the community that has given him such a great programming language for free.

Mel Chua

Mel Chua

Mel Chua is a contagiously enthusiastic hacker, writer, and educator with over a decade of teaching and curriculum development experience and a track record of leadership in Free, Libre, and Open Source Software (FLOSS) communities, most recently as Red Hat Inc’s. educational liaison. Now part of Purdue University’s School of Engineering Education, Mel’s work bridges academic research on successful learning and making communities with deep personal experience in building them.

Dana Bauer

Dana Bauer

Dana Bauer is a freelance mapmaker and data analyst, with interests in open data and journalism. She has a background in geography, math, and science writing. As part of the PhillyPUG leadership team, Dana organizes and teaches workshops and project nights for new coders, with a focus on bringing more women into the Python community. Dana tweets @geography76.

Kenneth Reitz

Kenneth Reitz

Kenneth Reitz is the product owner of Python at Heroku and a member of the Python Software Foundation. He embraces minimalism, elegant architecture, and simple interfaces. Kenneth is well known for his many open source projects, specifically Requests.
